Me and My Grandma at the Movies
Let me tell you a bit about my Grandma. She was the best, even better than your Grandma. At least, I think so.
After my Grandfather passed away, I moved in with her to keep her company and make her laugh a little. Spoiler Alert – I did.
Me and My Grandma at the Movies – Grumpy Old Men
We went to the movies together. Now, not movies *I* would have chosen, like “Grumpy Old Men“,
but I still tried to make it a good time.
Grandma, Can You Hear Me?
I would playfully annoy her – a lot. She would ask me to go get popcorn when we went to the movies and I would ask clarifying questions loudly in her ear (inferring that she was hard of hearing. Which she was not),
Grandma knew my ploy and answered in hushed tones, “Yes, shut up and go get the popcorn…”
Still loudly in her ear, “Okay, Grandma, did you want me to ask them to pick out the kernels that didn’t pop, you know, for your teeth…”
Still in hushed tones to try and keep what’s left of her dignity while attending a movie with this imbecile (me), “No, I’ll be fine. GO AND GET THE POPCORN AND DRINKS…”
I loudly responded again, “Okay, Grandma, I’ll be back soon. Don’t get scared. If you need it, here is a whistle. Just blow it and someone will come and help you…”
“Jeffery (You know I was really in trouble, now (She rolled out my full name)), I’m going to kill you… Just go and get the popcorn and drinks!”
“Okay, Grandma. Don’t get upset, you know. You’re heart…” I finally left and Grandma sighed loudly.
Grandma Strikes Back
When I returned, Grandma was smiling. I sat down and handed her her soft drink.
“Yes?” I replied,
She loudly continued, “The Doctor called and your test results came back…”
“Touche, Grandma. You can have my JuJuBes…”
“Not bad. Okay…”
I sighed the biggest sigh ever, then I heard my Grandma quietly mumble to herself, “Don’t mess with the Grandma…”
Grandma passed away on 1-24-17. I miss her always, but the memories (even if they are embellished a bit) remain.

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