Ladies, What’s Wrong with Cargo Pants on Guys?
I’m convinced that it’s a woman’s job to constantly tell guys about all the wrong things they are doing.
It’s a tireless job, for both parties.
“Don’t wear flip flops to a wedding, YES, even if it’s on the beach”
“Dress up for family Thanksgiving, YES, even if we’ll be either watching football or sitting around a table eating”
on and on, men are asked as we open the door to leave by our Mothers, then girlfriends, then wives, “You’re not leaving the house dressed like that are you?”
Life becomes a Tomb Raider puzzle just to leave the house. Should I wear a suit and tie to get the car washed? Top hat and tails to mow the lawn? Clothing takes more time in a woman’s word allotment in a day than anything else (And far too words in regards to planning their guy’s next birthday party, for example.)
The cargo shorts shouldn’t be worn by men passed a certain age when Nicole Hong wrote this article challenging the wearing of Cargo shorts (with rules, ages and everything).
Listen, Nicole, let’s back up off the Cargo Shorts.
Cargo Shorts are a wonderland for guys. It’s multi-tasking clothing at its finest.
Cargo Shorts are a mash-up of a;
fanny pack (Which you ladies chiding of us men years ago),
Michael Jackson jacket (except its millions of pockets, instead of millions of zippers),
Magicians jacket (I’m still waiting for a Cargo Short clad magician to pull a rabbit out – one of his pockets!),
You, ladies, have purses that I’m convinced are as big as a Tardis on the inside. My Mom could pay for groceries, set broken bones, hem pants, and quell a political coup with all the stuff she had in her purse. At the end of the day, men really enjoy comfy shorts that double as suitcases for a 2-week vacation.
So (and Nicole, too), ladies leave our Cargo Shorts alone, and why don’t you solve the biggest ills of our society today, like;
People wearing Crocs in and out of theme parks,
Leggings, Jeggings and any other related ‘ings’,
Benny Hinn looking suits (I’m looking at you, Hillary).
Let’s start there ladies, ok?
I’m practicing my Cargo Short magic. I’ll keep you posted. 🙂
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