5 Ways to Solve the Dinner Dilemma
Have you ever faced the “Dinner Dilemma” when you asked your female significant other –
What should we do about dinner tonight?
and her answer is “I don’t know.”
I know I’m not the only one that this happens to, but I do know that women are very intelligent. Seriously. Women can;
tell you which “Friends” episode Rachel did whatever in,
tell you every date (and time) of anything (birthdays, anniversaries, first kiss, the first time her sister’s name was said in her guy’s sleep, the first time he slept on the couch for a month, etc),
“watch” TV from another room in the back of the house, listening to music, playing Candy Crush Saga, and making faces at friends posting diet/exercise accomplishments on Facebook,
I could go on, but you get the idea.
And yet, when it comes to deciding on what to have for dinner on any given evening, this beautiful bastion of knowledge is stumped, and then the famous answer is spoken –
“I don’t know.”
That’s hard for me to believe.
Women know everything. They know; their guy’s last 5 Facebook passwords, his last 5 girlfriend’s names (and Facebook account URLs) and where his stash of Victoria Secret catalogues (That he told her he was using for research for Christmas presents but has yet to buy her one.) are, and yet women “don’t know” what to have for dinner when asked.
and now, here are the “5 Ways to Solve the Female Dinner Dilemma”
1. Recommend places YOU would like to go to;
Hooters – naturally (See what I did there).
Bikinis – 1 guess at to what they wear.
Tilted Kilt – Like William Wallace said, “They’ll never take our cleavage!”
Bombshells – Vintage military themed pub. Salute, soldier!
Here is a great list of more restaurant options
2. Offer to cook. My bachelor surprise stew was amazing, but that was when I was a bachelor.
3. Show up unannounced to a close friend or family member’s house during a dinner party that are having and didn’t invite you. Bring some wine, though – very cheap and awful tasting wine.
4. Do the “Facebook Wheel of Meals” game. Ask people on Facebook what you should do for dinner, assign the first 6 suggestions 1-6 then roll the “dice of justice” and do that.
5. Go to Costco and sample your way through dinner, seating on a different couch with each different sample then watching whatever they are playing on the big screen TV over and over again.
Extra option:
Note: There are naughty words used on the site in the link, so be aware.
I found this site called “Where the F*** Should I Go Eat?” http://wtfsigte.com/
That’s my 5 ways to solve the Dinner Dilemma. What’s yours?
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